


Rafael Villar Iron Man 3 Demo Reel from Rafael Villar on Vimeo.

Aldrich Torres Lighting TD Showreel 2014 from Aldrich Torres on Vimeo.

Nick Giassullo Showreel August 2013 from Nick Giassullo on Vimeo.

Jesse Nicodemus Demo 2013 from Jesse Nicodemus on Vimeo.

Erik Lehmann | Showreel 2012 from Erik Lehmann on Vimeo.

Ironman3: Animation Reel by Cameron Folds

Iron Man 3 Trailer vfx from Vincent Papaix on Vimeo.

(2013/9/14 追加)

Naren Naidoo Compositor - 2013 Roto Reel from Naren on Vimeo.


Demo Reel | Garrett Wycoff 2013 from Garrett James Wycoff on Vimeo.


Eric D. Legare 2013 Demo Reel from Eric D Legare on Vimeo.


Demo reel 2013 from Diego Piccinato on Vimeo.

2013 Lighting/Compositing Demo reel from timothy fleur on Vimeo.

Demo Reel 2013 from Rich Hardy VFX on Vimeo.


Lenz Kol Reel 2013 from Lenz Kol on Vimeo.


Iron Man 3 Comp Reel from DamageDoneVFX on Vimeo.


RE-CUT Mathieson Facer - Pipeline / Rigging TD - Demo Reel 2013 from Mathieson Facer on Vimeo.


Iron Man 3 animation reel from Melanie Beisswenger on Vimeo.


Balazs Drenkovics ShowReel 2013 from Drenkovics Balázs on Vimeo.

Mark Williams VFX showreel 2013 from Gomi on Vimeo.


Demo Reel Fall 2013 from Dustin Colson on Vimeo.


Geral Clevy senior animator from Gerald Clevy on Vimeo.


Lighting Reel 2013 from Kamal Bhardwaj on Vimeo.


John-Stanley McGovern Showreel 2013 from Jester S. Mac on Vimeo.


IRON MAN 3 - DEMOREEL / Pavel Kacerle & Sqeepo from Pavel Kacerle on Vimeo.


My Paint and Roto Showreel 2013 from Kier Decordova on Vimeo.


Character & Creature Film Reel 2014 from Wanchope on Vimeo.


IronMan3 Animation Reel from tunachunks on Vimeo.


Showreel 2014 from Olivia Adams on Vimeo.


Lighting and VFX Showreel 2014 from Samuel Maniscalco on Vimeo.


Demo Reel 2014 - Randy Ui - CG Artist from randy ui on Vimeo.

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